Hello! Today is my 20 th birthday! :D

So, today me and my boyfriend went to Sundsvall and ate on a restauant with my father.
We also bought a cuch, we've been looking for a cheap kind of small one for quite some time now since it is one of the things we missed in our new home.

btw, got the strangest question ever today!
A girl (approximately 11 years old maybe?) walked up to me and asked "are you a real girl?"
HAHAHAHA omg! Did she think I was a man? or a robot or what?! XD

Name: Ellen

Grattis Mimmi! :D

2012-01-14 @ 22:00:25
Blog: http://yubaba.blogg.se/
Name: mikkkkkkaaaaaaan

hej mimmi, ville bara säga hej hehhe HEEEEEJ

nämen kul att se att du har det så bra med din stora kärlek och att du verkar ha det väldigt bra, många kramar /mikaela

Hör av dig nån dag :D

2012-03-14 @ 21:48:31
Name: Honey Bunny

Maybe she thought you were a doll! :D If I hadn't seen a sweet lolita before I would definitely think you were one! You're so cuuuuuuuute!!! >w<

Happy birthday by the way! ^^

2012-03-22 @ 16:29:19
Name: Honey Bunny

In arrears, that is. :)

2012-03-22 @ 16:32:28





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