Urkult 2017
På torsdag så åkte jag med världens finaste familj, aka Tidda, David och lilla Ilon till Urkult!
Vi kom fram till campet där Thorssa, Emil, Elsa, Anton, Mao och nu jag skulle bo.
Fredagmorgon, Elsa lagar mat med en sne gaffel <3
Gick och hälsade på Mixi i mattcampet, hon visade mig sina highlighters och hon skrattade när jag sa "Oh, my god!" som reaktion på en av dem, för namnet på den var detta:
En toast i en gran vid sidan av vägen </3
Jag, Tidda, Ilon och Elsa är normala.
Jag gillar Ilons haremsbyxor och han gillar sjalen jag virkat
Jag och Elsa blev intervjuade av Sveriges Radio P4,
här kan du lyssna på hela programmet, eller spola till 2:06:10
Eftermiddag i P4 Västernorrland Fre 04 aug
På kvällen begav jag, Elsa, Anton och Frost oss på en promenad ner till ångermanälven
Alla typ blinkar men så får det vara!
Vårat camp har så fina ljus som välkomnar en i mörkret <3
Jag och Mao är söta! <3 (och jag har en blingis i pannan som jag fick av Mixi! <3)
Varför är det en bit nudlar i det stelnade stearinet?!
Antoooooon... !!
Det regnade lite och lilla Brasse som jag blivit kompis med var ledsen, så jag fixade lite tak åt honom <3
Nille kommer och hänger i vårat camp!
Elsa och Mao hade köpt, vad de trodde var, ett gäng 8-timmars rökelse...
Men det visade sig vara en enda massiv rökelse!
Den räckte nästan 6 timmar i mitten av vårat camp, men då fläktade det en del ute också.
Ljus i vårat camp <3
Mao är knäpp och har en glow stick i munnen, jag höll på att dö av skratt när jag vände mig om och såg henne!!
På söndag var det tags att packa ihop, vi nådde inte upp till alla rep som de spände upp när de fick låna en stege, så med en kniv på en pinne blev det oväntat krigiskt men effektivt
Thorssa hjälper inte till mycket utan sitter och tycker att han är bäst.
Vi kom fram till campet där Thorssa, Emil, Elsa, Anton, Mao och nu jag skulle bo.
Fredagmorgon, Elsa lagar mat med en sne gaffel <3
Gick och hälsade på Mixi i mattcampet, hon visade mig sina highlighters och hon skrattade när jag sa "Oh, my god!" som reaktion på en av dem, för namnet på den var detta:
En toast i en gran vid sidan av vägen </3
Jag, Tidda, Ilon och Elsa är normala.
Jag gillar Ilons haremsbyxor och han gillar sjalen jag virkat
Jag och Elsa blev intervjuade av Sveriges Radio P4,
här kan du lyssna på hela programmet, eller spola till 2:06:10
Eftermiddag i P4 Västernorrland Fre 04 aug
Alla typ blinkar men så får det vara!
Vårat camp har så fina ljus som välkomnar en i mörkret <3
Jag och Mao är söta! <3 (och jag har en blingis i pannan som jag fick av Mixi! <3)
Varför är det en bit nudlar i det stelnade stearinet?!
Antoooooon... !!
Det regnade lite och lilla Brasse som jag blivit kompis med var ledsen, så jag fixade lite tak åt honom <3
Nille kommer och hänger i vårat camp!
Men det visade sig vara en enda massiv rökelse!
Den räckte nästan 6 timmar i mitten av vårat camp, men då fläktade det en del ute också.
Ljus i vårat camp <3
Thorssa hjälper inte till mycket utan sitter och tycker att han är bäst.
Bilder från min födelsedag!
- Pictures from my birthday!
- Pictures from my birthday!
Zombie walk
Jag åkte och hälsade på mamma i Linköping på höstlovet och fick veta att det skulle vara en zombie walk där, jag bestämde mig för att gå fast jag inte kände någon och inte hade packat för det. Det blev lite improviserat!
I went to visit my mom in Linköping on the autumn break and was told that it would be a zombie walk there, I decided to go though I didn't know anyone and hadn't packed for it. It was a bit improvised!
Här är en video från nyheterna, jag är med mycket efter 1:10
(- A video from Swedish news, I'm in a lot after 1:10)
I went to visit my mom in Linköping on the autumn break and was told that it would be a zombie walk there, I decided to go though I didn't know anyone and hadn't packed for it. It was a bit improvised!
(- A video from Swedish news, I'm in a lot after 1:10)
1 year!
Förlåt att jag inte har uppdaterat! Vi har flyttat och det var problem med internet i vår nya lägenhet så vi fick vänta en månad innan de fick det att fungera. -.-
Under tiden jag varit borta har jag börjat jobba som extrapersonal på en restaurang, Mehico har fyllt 19 och framförallt så har jag och han firat ett år tillsammans!
Det tänkte jag fira med några foton från det gångna året. >w<
Under tiden jag varit borta har jag börjat jobba som extrapersonal på en restaurang, Mehico har fyllt 19 och framförallt så har jag och han firat ett år tillsammans!
Det tänkte jag fira med några foton från det gångna året. >w<
I am sorry about my lack of updates! We've moved and there were problems with the internet in our new apartment, so we had to wait a month before they fixed it. -.-
While I've been gone I've started working as an extra at a restaurant, Mehico has turned 19 and most importantly he and I have celebrated our first anniversary!
I figured I'd celebrate with some photos from this past year. >w<
Grattis till oss! :D
- Congratulations to us! :D
While I've been gone I've started working as an extra at a restaurant, Mehico has turned 19 and most importantly he and I have celebrated our first anniversary!
I figured I'd celebrate with some photos from this past year. >w<
Grattis till oss! :D
- Congratulations to us! :D
Några bilder från balen!
- Some pictures from the prom!
Jag och Mehico med hans storasyster ♥
- Me and Mehico with his big sister ♥
John och Kim kom och tittade på oss ♥
- John and Kim came to see us ♥
Med Marcus och David från Mehicos klass. ♥
(Jag märkte inte det här förän jag såg bilderna XD Haha, jag kan inte ens titta bort en sekund!)
- with Marcus and David from Mehicos class ♥
(I didn't even notice this until I saw the pictures XD Haha, I can't even look avay for a second!)
- Some pictures from the prom!
Jag och Mehico med hans storasyster ♥
- Me and Mehico with his big sister ♥
John och Kim kom och tittade på oss ♥
- John and Kim came to see us ♥
Med Marcus och David från Mehicos klass. ♥
(Jag märkte inte det här förän jag såg bilderna XD Haha, jag kan inte ens titta bort en sekund!)
- with Marcus and David from Mehicos class ♥
(I didn't even notice this until I saw the pictures XD Haha, I can't even look avay for a second!)
Jag och min fästman vann just en inställd maskeradtävling, i våra vanliga kläder! XD
Hahaha! Vi vann ett presentkort på stjärngrillen.
WTF like a boss! (Fucking the system since the early 90’s)
Me and my fiance just won a cancelled maskerade contest while wearing our normal clothes. XD
Hahaha! We won a gift card at a grill house.
WTF like a boss! (Fucking the system since the early 90’s)
Stockholm - Emilie Autumn
Jag och min fästman åkte till stockholm för att se Emilie Autumn. Här är måndagens (konsertdagen) outfit!
- Me and my fiance went to stockholm to see Emilie Autumn. Here is mondays (the day of the concert) outfit!
Vi gick och träffade min kära moder och hon bjöd oss på luch!
- We went to see my beloved mother and she bought us lunch!
Här är jag och Lovisa innan konserten. Valrossminen XD
- Here's me and Lovisa before the consert. Doing the walrus XD
På meet and greet med Emilie Autumn bad hon alla posa med händerna som klor.
När det blev min tur frågade jag om hon ville göra ett hjärta istället. Hon blev förtjust och sa “I would love to! Oh! Two rat hands make a heart!"
- At the meet and greet with Emilie Autumn, she got everyone to pose with “rat hands” on the picture with her. When It was my turn I asked If she wanted to make a heart instead. She was delighted and said “I would love to! Oh! Two rat hands make a heart!”
Konserten var helt fantastisk och det hände så mycket så jag vet inte vad jag ska berätta.
- The concert was amazing and so much happened that I don't know what to tell you.
I slutet på konserten sa hon “I wish I thought of i earlier and though I guess all of you already figured it out, I just descoverd that two rat hands make a heart!" och sen fick hon hela publiken att göra det. Jag blev helt överväldigad och höll nästan på att börja gråta. Det var vårat hjärta! *__*
- In the end of the consert she said “I wish I thought of i earlier and though I guess all of you already figured it out, I just descoverd that two rat hands make a heart!” and then she made the whole audience do it. I felt so overwhelmed I almost began to cry. It was our heart! *__*
På tisdagkväll åkte vi ett hemskt tåg hem, väldigt nöjda med vistelsen. :)
- Tuesday night we took a horrible train home, both very content with the stay. :)
- Me and my fiance went to stockholm to see Emilie Autumn. Here is mondays (the day of the concert) outfit!
Vi gick och träffade min kära moder och hon bjöd oss på luch!
- We went to see my beloved mother and she bought us lunch!
Här är jag och Lovisa innan konserten. Valrossminen XD
- Here's me and Lovisa before the consert. Doing the walrus XD
På meet and greet med Emilie Autumn bad hon alla posa med händerna som klor.
När det blev min tur frågade jag om hon ville göra ett hjärta istället. Hon blev förtjust och sa “I would love to! Oh! Two rat hands make a heart!"
- At the meet and greet with Emilie Autumn, she got everyone to pose with “rat hands” on the picture with her. When It was my turn I asked If she wanted to make a heart instead. She was delighted and said “I would love to! Oh! Two rat hands make a heart!”
Konserten var helt fantastisk och det hände så mycket så jag vet inte vad jag ska berätta.
- The concert was amazing and so much happened that I don't know what to tell you.
I slutet på konserten sa hon “I wish I thought of i earlier and though I guess all of you already figured it out, I just descoverd that two rat hands make a heart!" och sen fick hon hela publiken att göra det. Jag blev helt överväldigad och höll nästan på att börja gråta. Det var vårat hjärta! *__*
- In the end of the consert she said “I wish I thought of i earlier and though I guess all of you already figured it out, I just descoverd that two rat hands make a heart!” and then she made the whole audience do it. I felt so overwhelmed I almost began to cry. It was our heart! *__*
På tisdagkväll åkte vi ett hemskt tåg hem, väldigt nöjda med vistelsen. :)
- Tuesday night we took a horrible train home, both very content with the stay. :)
Hello! Today is my 20 th birthday! :D
So, today me and my boyfriend went to Sundsvall and ate on a restauant with my father.
So, today me and my boyfriend went to Sundsvall and ate on a restauant with my father.
We also bought a cuch, we've been looking for a cheap kind of small one for quite some time now since it is one of the things we missed in our new home.
btw, got the strangest question ever today!
A girl (approximately 11 years old maybe?) walked up to me and asked "are you a real girl?"
HAHAHAHA omg! Did she think I was a man? or a robot or what?! XD
btw, got the strangest question ever today!
A girl (approximately 11 years old maybe?) walked up to me and asked "are you a real girl?"
HAHAHAHA omg! Did she think I was a man? or a robot or what?! XD
sorry for the extreme lack of updates, it's just so much fun going on in my life right now!
Last weekend was the annual woodstock music festival,
I met a lot of old friends and also made some new ones!
Here's a pic from our news papers website... T_T' lucky I'm handsome... EHM.
Here's a pic of me and Josie the second day!
This year the music wasn't very exciting, but oh, the wonderful people really made up for it. ♥
Last weekend was the annual woodstock music festival,
I met a lot of old friends and also made some new ones!
Here's a pic from our news papers website... T_T' lucky I'm handsome... EHM.
Here's a pic of me and Josie the second day!
This year the music wasn't very exciting, but oh, the wonderful people really made up for it. ♥
Skellefteå - Stockholm - Gothenburg - Gävle - Sundsvall - Skellefteå
Home from my adventures!
16 june: stockholm
Elli was unfortunately sick but I met my friend Ulla who works at the royal dramatic theater!
I visited beyond retro (actually for the first time)and OMG CAN I MOVE IN?!
Back on the airport I met a Japanese guy who also was on his way to MetalTown. He had went alone all the way from Osaka! He was really cool! :D
In Gothenburg I met up with my lovely friend Linzie and we went to her friend Larry too sleep!
17 june: MetalTown
Breakfast was watermelon on the floor in a shopping mall... XD Then I said goodbye to Linzie and headed to the festival. On the way there I made friends with two girls who also had been at UppCon11. I came too late to se Escape the Fate but honestly I don't mind. I haven't listened to them since their previous vocalist left. I met up with Hanna and Sonny, did not however see my cousins anywhere.
Me and Hanna.
I met a adorable girl whos name I can't remember. It wasn't Cicci... XD
System of a Down were.. I have no words. Amazing. We were pretty close to the stage but I since that mad concert-pushing started THREE HOURS before the actual concert I left for a more peacful lookout point. Some 200 metres from the stage the ground were still swaying. ♥ a random girl and I grabbed hands and jumped and sang together!
I got a ride home by some wonderful girls who had a tent where they sold synthetic dreads. (I bought 4 candy dreads ♥)
18 - 22 juni
At Lovisas place 8D Right before I arrived she text me and said that she caught a cold but she promised she wouldn't pass it on to me... That didn't go so well...
We watched tons of movies ♥ Amadeus, Tangled, Donnie Darko, Sound of music, Phantom of the opera, Sweeney Todd, Shrek 4, the little mermaid and a really crappy version of beauty and the beast. XD
22 - 24 juni
Short stop in Sundsvall. I bought "pride and prejudice and zombiez" and I love it! Haha, a must-read!
16 june: stockholm
Elli was unfortunately sick but I met my friend Ulla who works at the royal dramatic theater!
I visited beyond retro (actually for the first time)and OMG CAN I MOVE IN?!
Back on the airport I met a Japanese guy who also was on his way to MetalTown. He had went alone all the way from Osaka! He was really cool! :D
In Gothenburg I met up with my lovely friend Linzie and we went to her friend Larry too sleep!
17 june: MetalTown
Breakfast was watermelon on the floor in a shopping mall... XD Then I said goodbye to Linzie and headed to the festival. On the way there I made friends with two girls who also had been at UppCon11. I came too late to se Escape the Fate but honestly I don't mind. I haven't listened to them since their previous vocalist left. I met up with Hanna and Sonny, did not however see my cousins anywhere.
Me and Hanna.
I met a adorable girl whos name I can't remember. It wasn't Cicci... XD
System of a Down were.. I have no words. Amazing. We were pretty close to the stage but I since that mad concert-pushing started THREE HOURS before the actual concert I left for a more peacful lookout point. Some 200 metres from the stage the ground were still swaying. ♥ a random girl and I grabbed hands and jumped and sang together!
I got a ride home by some wonderful girls who had a tent where they sold synthetic dreads. (I bought 4 candy dreads ♥)
18 - 22 juni
At Lovisas place 8D Right before I arrived she text me and said that she caught a cold but she promised she wouldn't pass it on to me... That didn't go so well...
We watched tons of movies ♥ Amadeus, Tangled, Donnie Darko, Sound of music, Phantom of the opera, Sweeney Todd, Shrek 4, the little mermaid and a really crappy version of beauty and the beast. XD
22 - 24 juni
Short stop in Sundsvall. I bought "pride and prejudice and zombiez" and I love it! Haha, a must-read!
My adventures ♥
09.50 - my plane to stockholm off. There I will hang out with Elli.
21.20 - I’m off to Linzie in göteborg/gothenburg.
I'll go se ESCAPE THE FATE...
and SYSTEM OF A DOWN live.
10.40 - I’m off to Lovisa and will stay there an unspecified number of days.
09.50 - my plane to stockholm off. There I will hang out with Elli.
21.20 - I’m off to Linzie in göteborg/gothenburg.
I'll go se ESCAPE THE FATE...
and SYSTEM OF A DOWN live.
10.40 - I’m off to Lovisa and will stay there an unspecified number of days.
10 june - graduation
Now the tree years at upper secondary school are finished!
Graduation time! :D
Champagne breakfast with my classmates!
Two friends from elementary school and I with our posters! x3
The traditional hayride~~
Many relatives came to celebrate!
Almost all cousins gatherd, six out of eight ♥
Then there was grandma, my three uncles and so on!
It was absolutely wonderful to meet them all!
Graduation time! :D
Champagne breakfast with my classmates!
Two friends from elementary school and I with our posters! x3
The traditional hayride~~
Many relatives came to celebrate!
Almost all cousins gatherd, six out of eight ♥
Then there was grandma, my three uncles and so on!
It was absolutely wonderful to meet them all!
Easter Holiday
Last Sunday I went south to visit some friends!
The first night Kim met me at the bus stop (I heard him telling his friends to look for a short, pink and fuzzy thing... wtf, fuzzy? -.-)
and then I went to sleep at Maos place (god, how I've been missing that girl. <3)
Monday I spent with Alex, we went shopping but honestly we did a lot more talking than shopping! ♥
Me and Alex. ♥
Tuesday was nothing special,
but Wednesday I followed my darling Elin to school (she got into a class that I dropped out of >_<)
Bottom line;
guys, I love you, why don't we live closer to each other?
You must come visit me too. ♥
The first night Kim met me at the bus stop (I heard him telling his friends to look for a short, pink and fuzzy thing... wtf, fuzzy? -.-)
and then I went to sleep at Maos place (god, how I've been missing that girl. <3)
Monday I spent with Alex, we went shopping but honestly we did a lot more talking than shopping! ♥
Me and Alex. ♥
Tuesday was nothing special,
but Wednesday I followed my darling Elin to school (she got into a class that I dropped out of >_<)
Bottom line;
guys, I love you, why don't we live closer to each other?
You must come visit me too. ♥
Elin visited me friday - sunday
(old pic is old)
Saturday, we of course joined earth hour, and agreed that once a year's not enough.
I really gonna miss her.
Darling you're the best ;*
(old pic is old)
Saturday, we of course joined earth hour, and agreed that once a year's not enough.
I really gonna miss her.
Darling you're the best ;*
My stomach is full of butterflies, I've been jumping about, smiling and laughing all day!
Tonight I will re-braid my dreads, pack as little as I can and probably have a really hard time sleeping.
Could it be,
tomorrow's the concert?
Tonight I will re-braid my dreads, pack as little as I can and probably have a really hard time sleeping.
Could it be,
tomorrow's the concert?
Albino Corn Snake
Today I got to follow my friend Maria to the pet store and pick up her albino corn snake! It's just a baby, so he's just 20 cm long, but when fully grown he'll be about 2 meters.
Totally adorable, isn't he?
I'm so jealous! I want a snake too!
Totally adorable, isn't he?
I'm so jealous! I want a snake too!
The best band in the world.
Mars 18, Stockholm
After 5 years of loving devotion, I'll finally get to see 'em live.
My Chemical Fucking Romance!
After 5 years of loving devotion, I'll finally get to see 'em live.
My Chemical Fucking Romance!
Trip to Sundsvall with Jossie
After 7 years of commuting between Sundsvall and Skellefteå by bus,
it came as a total surprise to find that the schedule completely.
The bus (which we didn't have to pay for O.o) took us only 1/3 of the way to Sundsvall,
and there we had to wait 2 h for the one that would take us all the way.
We went to a shopping mall with Alex. (the bus guy didn't make it </3)
Alex and I exchanged late christmas gifts
and then all three of us went shopping! I bought this piggy bank,
some pink and frilly underwear and some other things.
After dinner we visited my childhood friend Linn. I got to poke at her dreads for the first time since she had them made and we watched two movies: Beetlejuice and 500 days of summer.
We were supposed to meet Elin downtown and buy some spiders (I bought one for my favourite blogger for christmas) but after lots of trouble we barely had time to buy the spiders.
The bus home, took us 2/3 of the way. Where we had to wait for 45 min.
There sat about 7 others, apart from Jossie and myself, and after a moment of hesitation I asked
- Jacob?
- Mimmi?! He replied.
Haha! It was my cousin!
After 7 years of commuting between Sundsvall and Skellefteå by bus,
it came as a total surprise to find that the schedule completely.
The bus (which we didn't have to pay for O.o) took us only 1/3 of the way to Sundsvall,
and there we had to wait 2 h for the one that would take us all the way.
We went to a shopping mall with Alex. (the bus guy didn't make it </3)
Alex and I exchanged late christmas gifts
and then all three of us went shopping! I bought this piggy bank,
some pink and frilly underwear and some other things.
After dinner we visited my childhood friend Linn. I got to poke at her dreads for the first time since she had them made and we watched two movies: Beetlejuice and 500 days of summer.
We were supposed to meet Elin downtown and buy some spiders (I bought one for my favourite blogger for christmas) but after lots of trouble we barely had time to buy the spiders.
The bus home, took us 2/3 of the way. Where we had to wait for 45 min.
There sat about 7 others, apart from Jossie and myself, and after a moment of hesitation I asked
- Jacob?
- Mimmi?! He replied.
Haha! It was my cousin!
Harry Potter
Today I finally got to see Harry Potter and the deathly hollows pt. 1!
I couldn't afford it since I needed the money for christmas gifts, but mom took pity on me and payed the ticket!
For every HP film I dress up as a caracter!
Last year I cosplayed Draco Malfoy, and this time it was Ginney Weasly!
Haha really crappy pic, but it's the only outfit pic I've got!
My mom sewed the cape when I attended the 3rd or the 4th movie, I can't recall, but anyway I've wore it for every new HP film!
Something I really appreciate with this one
is they had really made sure to try and follow the sequence of events! (something that we who've read the books over and over (... x500) again get ridiculously upset about if they don't)
And haha, I loved "Engorgio! REDUCTIO!!!!!!"
I couldn't afford it since I needed the money for christmas gifts, but mom took pity on me and payed the ticket!
For every HP film I dress up as a caracter!
Last year I cosplayed Draco Malfoy, and this time it was Ginney Weasly!
Haha really crappy pic, but it's the only outfit pic I've got!
My mom sewed the cape when I attended the 3rd or the 4th movie, I can't recall, but anyway I've wore it for every new HP film!
Something I really appreciate with this one
is they had really made sure to try and follow the sequence of events! (something that we who've read the books over and over (... x500) again get ridiculously upset about if they don't)
And haha, I loved "Engorgio! REDUCTIO!!!!!!"
first ever lolita meet in Sundsvall
This weekend I arranged a lolita meet-up in Sundsvall!
We were 5 girls who attended a lovely little café that specializes in chocolate~~
We were all too busy to take pictures, but I got one at least.
This is Elin and Rachel <3
We were 5 girls who attended a lovely little café that specializes in chocolate~~
We were all too busy to take pictures, but I got one at least.
This is Elin and Rachel <3