Painting my wall!

Painting my wall, first step!

What do you think? :D

Easter Holiday

Last Sunday I went south to visit some friends!
The first night Kim met me at the bus stop (I heard him telling his friends to look for a short, pink and fuzzy thing... wtf, fuzzy? -.-)
and then I went to sleep at Maos place (god, how I've been missing that girl. <3)

Monday I spent with Alex, we went shopping but honestly we did a lot more talking than shopping! ♥

Me and Alex. ♥

Tuesday was nothing special,
but Wednesday I followed my darling Elin to school (she got into a class that I dropped out of >_<)

Bottom line;
guys, I love you, why don't we live closer to each other?
You must come visit me too. ♥


I know you love my wig and my new salopette. <3

I also know you love blurry photos since the only camera I've got is my cellphone.

The lack of our favourite lunatic

I just sent this to Emilie Autumns fanmail:

Subject: The lack of our favourite lunatic

Ever since I figured out what was wrong with me, everything in my life has a tendency of succeeding.
So I’ll give this a shot while my luck is lasting!

Sweden needs you darling!
I have tons of beautiful girls (and some really pretty boys) that would love to see you in Stockholm!
Please consider.

Love from Mimmi!

Angelic Pretty items

Package day!
Everything is from ap. ♥

Cherry berry bunny socks, striped ones with pony lace
and a blouse which name I don't know!

(Ugh... My camera is, as you know, broken. But I've been able to take pictures even though the display is all fucked up, but now... Well, I had to struggle a lot, in the end I got 3 pics, and THIS was the best one...)

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